Figure 1 is a line graph depicting the temporal change in the number of notifications of suspected prion disease cases that are added to the CJD Registry, by year (1997-2015) and jurisdiction (ACT, NSW, NT, etc). Generally, the number of suspected case notifications by state and territory align with population size with some annual fluctuations. The number of case additions to the register in 2015 is lower than the previous year, however, the number is more consistent with the previous 10-year average annual number for the years 2004 to 2014. By state and territory, only modest fluctuations in the number of suspected case notifications compared to the previous year were observed in 2015. Since 2012, the number of suspected case notifications from Western Australia has been lower than the 1993-2014 long-term average. This has continued in 2015, although not as significantly as the previous three years.